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Residential Properties

Residential Properties

Are you going to be out of town for an extended amount of time? Make it look like you have hired protection with a police car parked out front. Perhaps you’re having a party, and want to keep away unwanted guests. Show that you have a police presence with a cop car or two parked out front.

Commercial Properties

Commercial Properties

Do you suddenly have an issue with crime? Park a car or two in strategic areas, and immediately see others detoured from doing anything. Much cheaper than hiring people, but with the same effect.

Music and Movie Productions

Music and Movie Productions

Trying to film a movie or music video and need to get a shot with a police car? With our wide range of cop cars, you’ll be sure to find whatever aesthetic you’re going for. And we can “sticker” the car to customize it to look however you want for your production. We have matching cars as well to create a “force”.

Industrial Sites

Industrial Sites

Need to keep a new build or site protected without breaking the bank? Use a police car and scare away possible intruders without adding much to the bottom line. A car or two can see a drastic drop in potential crime.

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